What We Do

Having family members nearby provides significant benefits and advantages to patient treatment, rehabilitation and recovery. By providing cost-free living quarters for patient families, the Fisher House provides an immeasurable benefit to patient care, in addition to the care and well-being of our veterans’ family members.

92% to 94%

average occupancy level

41 Family Suites

including private bath, dining areas, recreation, and entertainment.

12–14 Days

average length of stay

Why We Do It

The assistance Fisher House provides makes it possible for military family members to stay close to loved ones to support them through their medical crises without the burden of costly accommodations. This assistance is beyond that normally provided by the Departments of Defense and Veterans Affairs.

Child Photo Background


Supported by Local Businesses, Foundations
and Generous Individuals.

Dominion EnergyPGA Tour ChampionsAltria1140 WRVADavenport & CompanyWalmartEmerald ConstructionRichmond Bluegrass Jam